The 13th Biennial Congress of the Pediatric Dentistry Association of Asia (PDAA2024), themed “Reunite for Children’s Healthy Smiles”, will be held at Eastin Grand Hotel Phaya Thai Bangkok, Thailand, from 30 October-1 November 2024.
Early bird registration at a rate of USD 450 will end on 15 August 2024. PDAA2024 organising committee is offering a special group registration rate of USD 420 for a group of 10 or more attendees. Members interested in registering as a group for the special rate through HKSPD can fill in this form ( by 20 July 2024. We will collate and follow up with PDAA2024 if there are 10 or more interested members.
HKSPD will offer a sponsorship of HKD $500 for all full members and associate members of the Society who have attended the conference. Please present the self-certified copy of the attendance certificate and original receipt after the conference to get the reimbursement. Members who received other sponsorships for the conference are not eligible for this offer. Please complete and return the reply slip that had sent to your email and submit the relevant documents by 15 February 2025 to Dr. Kimberley Yip, Honorary Treasurer.